Our experts at Ergosign know that design is an important tool for sustainable change. Global challenges require new ways of thinking: We are prepared to support you in creating sustainable, user-centered abd innovative digital UX solutions, that empower your business in the long term.
SustainabilityDesigning a sustainable future

Sustainable innovation for your future digital products and services

Sustainability in the digital space — our "Greener Web" approach
Digital technologies are responsible for 8-10% of energy consumption world-wide. We researched at Ergosign how digital experiences can be designed resource-efficient. Discover our practical checklist and let us develop digital solutions together, that minimize environmental effects. Download our Greener Web Checklist (PDF) for sustainable web design.

Sustainability as a strategic advantage
The business world has already discovered that sustainability is more than a moral obligation. Organizations, that build on environmental consciousness ans social responsibility, profit from a positive reputation, lower regulatory hurdles and increased employee loyalty. At Ergosign we look at sustainability as a design opportunity that can strengthen your brand.

Creating trust and transparency
Customers demand more transparency and responsibility from the brands they trust. They expect authentic and sustainable solutions not green-washed promises. At Ergosign, we utilize Behavioral Design to foster a deep understanding and to create meaningful, sustainable interactions.

Our 6 principles for sustainable innovation
The path to sustainability can be complex. Through intensive research and iteration, we have developed six design principles to guide designers and businesses.
Our principles promote sustainable thinking and action and provide tools to help put change into practice.
Principle 1: Shift to systems-centricity
Principle 2: Build to last
Principle 3: Reduce digital waste
Principle 4: Empower all users
Principle 5: Enable sustainable behavior
Principle 6: Act collaboratively and individually
Make the first step towards a sustainable UX strategy and contact us!
Ergosign is your partner for innovative and austainable UX solutions.
We offer individual advice, tailored workshops and encompassing design solutions that help you achieve your sustainability goals. These offer tangible benefits for your customers and employees.
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Christian Lenz
Head of Design